Tidy Bingo is owned by David (not really a footy fan) and Nickie (who enjoys watching the men in shorts). They understand that when Euro 2016 kicks off on Friday 10th June, many households w... Read more
Can you believe that it’s May already? We should be out enjoying the garden and making the most of the nice weather and the two bank holiday’s, but unfortunately the miserable ra... Read more
Today is Wednesday 4th May, which will not mean a lot to you, unless of course you are a Star Wars fan. You see, Star Wars fans the world over know today as Star Wars Day, as the date is a t... Read more
Today is of course Bank Holiday Monday, a day that should be spent outside, doing something fun with those special people in your life. As per usual though, the weather is absolutely atrocio... Read more
You might not think so from looking at the weather we have been having this week, but it won’t be too long now before Summer arrives. Fingers crossed this will bring with it some warme... Read more
Spring has finally arrived and if the weather reports are right, we are due a few good days and maybe even some sunshine! It’s at times like these that you just want to jump in the car... Read more
April Fool’s Day is over and done with for another year, and fingers crossed you managed to escape relatively unscathed. Now is time to focus on the new season and start doing all of t... Read more
Whether you know it or not, the odds are that William Shakespeare has had an impact on your life. This could be a book you have read, a poem that has inspired you or even one of your favouri... Read more
Back in the days before online bingo, people had nothing better to do than worship monsters and sacrifice the most beautiful women in the village. One day this happened to be a princess, but... Read more
Winter is well and truly on the way now, and the last thing you want to be doing after getting home from work, is worry about getting ready to go out again into the cold night. It’s at... Read more