What a start to an internet bingo site! The first promotion from the newest site listed at BallsUp offers the chance to win a Mini with QuickSilver Bingo! You can’t really beat that for the first ever promotion offered by a new bingo site can you? Now although you have to spend £100 or more at this new bingo site before the 25th June in order to be in with a chance of winning the grand prize you do have nearly two months in which to spend that much to qualify!
Someone will win a Mini with QuickSilver Bingo on 28th June in the Golden Dream bingo room that will open especially for the prize game. What’s more, considering that players who have qualified for the big game will have already spent at least £100 at the site Quicksilver Bingo are making the bingo game to decide the winner a FREE game.
The £100 you have to spend to win a Mini with Quicksilver Bingo must be spent on bingo tickets, side games are not included in this promotion, and wants you have qualified you will be sent an email notification of your entry to the game taking place at 8pm on 28th June 2009.
The value of the Mini Cooper up for grabs in this great internet bingo promotion with Quicksilver Bingo is £12,000 but if you don’t fancy a brand new car the management of this bingo site have decided to offer the winner a cash alternative of 75% of the value of the car!
If the first ever promotion out of the stables is to win a Mini with Quicksilver Bingo just imagine what other goodies thisinternet bingo site might offer bingo players in the future!