Treat yourself to the latest technology this month, and win an iPhone 4S with Lots of Bingo! October saw the world go crazy for Apple’s latest gadget – but with these phones flying off the shelves at record speed, Lots of Bingo decided to hold onto one especially for their latest promotion; where the lucky winner will receive a brand new iPhone 4S on Friday 28th October! Just make sure you sign up today – as the offer is only available from Wednesday 19th to Thursday 27th October 2011.
All you need to do is head on over to Room 2 at 9pm each night between Wednesday 19th and Thursday 27th October, where you could win free tickets to the exclusive iPhone 4S game only at Lots of Bingo. Only three winners will be able to win these tickets, simply by doing scoring the following patterns:
- 1 Line – 2 free tickets
- 2 Lines – 3 free tickets
- Full House – 5 free tickets
Should you be lucky enough to get your hands on these tickets, you’ll automatically be entered into the iPhone 4S game scheduled to take place at 9pm in Room 2 on Friday 28th October 2011. With an 8 Mega Pixel camera as well as 16GB memory, the iPhone 4S is a definite must-have for all gadget geeks! Join Lots of Bingo today and get £25 free – where you’ll be able to play all your favourite games as well as play for the chance to win an iPhone 4s. From the team here at BallsUp Bingo, good luck – LOTS of good luck!