How many times have you entered a bingo chat room and wanted to get involved in the chat game only to find you are unsure of the game rules or have simply missed them because the chat has moved too fast? It’s happened to us on many occasions which is why we were impressed to see an additional feature at We Luv Bingo when we logged on recently! When you enter any of the rooms, at the top of the chat screen, next to the hosts name, you will see the name of the current chat game being played.
When you click the link, in the example shown below for Call The Cops, a small pop up box appears and you can read, at your leisure, the rules of the current chat game being played at We Luv Bingo. No more waiting to see if the host posts the rules and hoping that the chat doesn’t move too fast, the information is now just a click away!
Chat games are a great way to boost your bonus balance with most, if not all, paying out 1,000 loyalty points to the winner. These loyalty points have an exchange rate of 1,000 for £1 in bonus funds. Redemption is really easy; simply visit the ‘My Account’ section and scroll to the bottom of the page. Here you will see a Bingo Points tab with ‘Redeem Bingo Points’.
Please note: This feature is now available at all sites that are powered by the 888/Globalcom software, it is not exclusive to We Luv Bingo.