Over the next week the Sun Bingo wish list promotion will take a large chunk of this financial burden off the shoulders of ten of their luckiest players. The trouble with Christmas these days is it costs an absolute fortune, not only do you have the expense of buying a ton of presents that end up thrown to the back of wardrobe on Boxing Day but you also end up spending a fortune on so much food and drink you could feed an army.
The Sun Bingo Christmas Wish List promotion starts today and runs until the Sunday 29th of November.
Each time you wager £2 on bingo or £10 on slots or instant games at Sun Bingo you will be rewarded with one entry into the internet bingo sites prize draw. Each entry entitles you to email Sun Bingo with your own Christmas Wish List of presents up to a maximum of £500. You can spend this £500 however you like whether it is one large present for the whole family or lots of smaller gifts up to the value of £500. If you wager at Sun Bingo every day this week this means you have seven chances of winning this great Christmas bingo prize.
Even if you are not lucky enough to win your wish list you could still save a few quid by taking advantage of Sun Bingo’s BOGOF bingo which is running all this week. Every day between 11am and 12pm, 2 and 4pm and 6pm and 8pm until Sunday every time you purchase any standard Bingo 90 ticket you will get another one absolutely free doubling your chances of winning at this internet bingo site!