Are you someone who has the camera out throughout the festive season to catch the looks on people’s faces when they open their presents or the mother in law asleep in front of the telly dribbling? If you are then the Sky Bingo snappers’ promotion could see your Christmas photo’s earning you a few pounds worth of Argos vouchers or bingo bonuses from this internet bingo site.
Many of the photo’s that are sent in for the Sky Bingo snappers promotion will make it onto the Sky Bingo’s site advisors page and if yours appears there then you will be credited with a £5 Christmas bonus within 72 hours.
So what sort of pictures should you send in for the Sky Bingo snappers’ promotion? Well it can be anything festive really; the family sat eating Christmas dinner in their party cracker hats, the ostentatious light display that your neighbours house is adorned with (or your own) – just be inventive with your photography because the more original the picture the more chance of winning the bigger prizes at the end of the month.
Towards the end of the month all the Sky Bingo advisors will be able to vote for the top three photographs sent in from the Sky Bingo snappers and they will each take home one of the following:-
- 1st place – £250 Argos vouchers
- 2nd place – £100 Argos vouchers
- 3rd place – £50 Argos vouchers
Unfortunately any budding Sky Bingo snappers need to avoid taking pictures of anyone under the age of eighteen; being an internet bingo site they are unable (and rightly so) to publish pictures of minors. Despite this restriction there is still plenty of scope to take the winner picture and email to
Happy snapping readers!