The end of the month usually brings with it pay day and for many it can never come quick enough in some households. Often there is more month left than money, especially with the festive season just around the corner and the extra expense that incurs. The Tidy Bingo Payday jackpot could increase your bank balance if you are a winner because there is £1,000 in the prize pool!
At the end of every calendar month Tidy Bingo is giving away huge prizes which come from a massive £1,000 prize pool. If you want to win a share of the cash then you just need to have bought tickets for the game at 8pm on the last day of the month to be one step closer to getting your hands on a gigantic boost to the bingo budget. This month the game plays on Halloween, 31st October so you could be screaming with a delight if your numbers come in!
Tickets for the game cost 50p and the prize pool will be shared out as follows; one line will win £200, two lines will win £300 and a full house will win £500. All of these prizes will be welcome in anyone’s wallets..
Now, we know better than anyone that when pay day comes around, it tends to coincide suspiciously with a night out on the town. Well, Tidy Bingo know this too and they don’t want you to have to choose between a couple of drinks with friends, or a night of online bingo and that’s why they have provided you with the opportunity to pre buy your tickets which will play even if you’re not there. This means that you can buy tickets in advance, go and have a good night, then log in the next day to see if you’ve won.
Obviously with the money ready to be won, we don’t need to tell you where to be this Thursday night.