Another new month and another new round of bingo promotions to tempt us to the wide array of internet bingo sites that we, as bingo players, have to chose from. The Party Bingo October promotion is called the Genie of the Lamp and up for grabs is a wish worth $10,000 for one lucky player. Just think of all the things you could do with that amount of money sitting in your bank account!
The Party Bingo October promotion is easy enough to enter because for ever $100 you deposit at their site you get to make a wish. When you have deposited $100 whether it is in one big deposit or in lots of little ones then you have to email your wish to an email address supplied in the promotion section of Party Bingo. All deposits made from today until 22nd October count so if you deposit $300 in that time period then you can email in three wishes for the Party Bingo October promotion.
When all wishes have been received by the closing date of the Party Bingo October promotion then the best ten will be available to view on the site. You then have the opportunity to vote for the wish you think is most deserving to win between 24th and 31st October. The wish that receives the most votes will be declared the winner and the $10,000 credited to the winners players account.
You could be suffering from habromania if you are declared the winner and who could blame you. If I were to win the Party Bingo October promotion then I think I would get my kitchen refitted as well as my bathroom. What would you do with the money?
Word of the day meaning
Habromania – kind of insanity in which there are delusions of a cheerful character or gaiety.