Next week sees the inauguration of the new US President, Barack Obama and for those of you who don’t know his stepmother, Kezia Obama, is a huge bingo fan. One charity stands to benefit from Kezia’s love of the bingo game as Gala Bingo have recently started a two week charity bingo frenzy by way of Obama Bingo. The Obama Bingo fun started on 14th January and continues until 23rd January with proceeds from the games being donated to Sue Ryder Care.
If you fancy joining in the fun of Obama Bingo over at the internet bingo site of Gala Bingo you need to be in the City Club room from 8pm until 9pm every weekday and at weekends from 7pm until 8pm. Gala Bingo have promised to donate 10 pence in every pound spent on the Obama Bingo games to the Sue Ryder Care charity for all promotional games played in the 2 weeks of this internet bingo promotion.
A number of newspapers have reported about Obama Bingo and Kezia’s love of the bingo game. The Sun newspaper printed an article about it on 17th January and in it Kezia says that she is hoping to help raise over £1 million with the help of Gala Bingo players. Kezia goes on to say about her step son “I am just so proud of him; I recently sent a congratulatory message and will be flying to Washington to be with him next week.”
According to the article in the Sun Kezia is a “hardcore bingo fan” and plays bingo at least three times a week. The Sue Ryder Care charity that will be benefiting from the promotional Obama Bingo games are well known for the help they offer to sufferers of disorders like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and MS.
Personally I really enjoy covering internet bingo news like the Obama Bingo story simply because it’s great to know that by playing a couple of games of online bingo I can be doing a little bit for charity too. More and more internet bingo sites seem to be doing charitable bingo promotions and I for one hope to see many more.