This month is of course Movember and Costa Bingo has come up with a very clever way to celebrate this event. Movember is all about men growing their facial hair to support testicular cancer awareness so the mascot at Costa Bingo Sunny has also decided to grow his ‘tache for a good cause. However, this is where you come in because Sunny isn’t a hairy guy so he needs your help to get his facial hair to grow – but don’t worry as there is something in it for you.
Throughout this month Sunny’s ‘tache will grow every time you play bingo at Costa Bingo which means that the more people that play the richer and fuller his moutache will become.
However, do not fear as there is something it in for you as the length of this ‘tache by the end of month will determine how big the jackpot will be. There will be a free Movember bingo game taking place on the 29th November at 10pm so the bigger Sunny’s facial hair the bigger the jackpot will be.
The jackpot could be anything from £300 up to £1,000 and the room opens for this game on the 29th November at 10am and cards are free. The game will be a five line 75 ball game which means loads of players will get to win a prize. But Costa Bingo isn’t just giving the chance for you to win a prize as they will match the jackpot amount and donate it to the Institute of Cancer Research – so if you like the sound of making Sunny’s moustache grow head over to Costa Bingo now and start playing some bingo – Happy Movember!