It looks like we have finally turned the corner and the weather is starting to improve. Those long boring months of hibernating in front of the television are finally coming to an end, and before too long, you’ll have to start getting ready for the summer garden party season! If you are anything like us though, your house will be looking a little bit worse for wear. If you need a hand making it look spick and spam, then a good place to start would be the March Makeover promotion from Bet365 Bingo.
Earn Cards At Bet365 Bingo
This exciting new promotion from Bet365 Bingo is running between Monday 27th February and Sunday 26th March. It has been broken down into weekly sections, each one leading up to an All-Winners Finale game the following Sunday night. You can win cards for these games by taking part in the daily qualifying sessions that are running in the special Shopping Mall room between 11am and 12pm, 3:30pm and 5:30pm and 8:30pm and 10pm between Monday and Saturday each week. You will earn six cards for every £5 real cash wagered, and you can warn up to a maximum of thirty-six cards.
All-Winners Finale Games At Bet365 Bingo
If you are not lucky enough to win any cards, you can still take part by purchasing them for £1 each. All the cards you earn and buy will be included in the Sunday night final, where the one line winner will pick up £25 cash, and the two line winner £50 cash. The full house winner however, will walk away with a guaranteed £1,000, which should be more than enough to give one or two rooms a makeover. In addition to this, there is a £250 Community Jackpot that will be split by everyone else taking part.