When you look at the March Madness at Gala Bingo, this month’s set of impressive promotions, you would be forgiven for thinking that management at this internet bingo site are as mad as March hares. Up for grabs this month are some superb prizes which include VIP tickets to see Michael Buble, £5,000 in Tiffany vouchers and….
the chance to win a brand spanking new Mini Cooper! The March Madness at Gala Bingo is a bit like the milkshake in the song by Kelis except it’s the prizes that will be bringing all the players to the yard, well, their internet bingo site anyways! You got my point with the analogy though.
Like all great bingo promotions, there is some outlay required by you, the player, but not extortionate amounts and certainly not when you consider what the prizes are at Gala Bingo. Let’s look at just one of the prizes on offer:
Mini Cooper
To be in with a chance of winning the Mini Cooper you first have to get your entry tickets. This is achieved by spending £20 on any of the bingo side games available at Gala Bingo. These are the games available in the bingo rooms. Now whilst we appreciate that £20 may seem a little high for some players on the off chance you may win a Mini, if you are a lover of the instant win games, you’ll enjoy getting your tickets. Every £20 spent on the side games will earn another ticket and bump up your standing on the leaderboard. You have until 31st March to get your name in their internet bingo hat.
The ten players who have managed to secure the most tickets will then be in the final draw to win the brand new Mini Cooper (or the cash equivalent of £9,500!)
Five runners up will each get an iPod Mini.
Details of the other prizes and how they can be won are available at Gala Bingo or you could simply check back here over the next few days.