We all know that Foxy is a bit of a ladies’ man, and he constantly surrounds himself with a bevy of beauties. He does not just appreciate them just for their looks though, as he understands that women are amazing and inspiring. This is why he has once again chosen to celebrate International Women’s Day (8th March if you need to be told), with a fantastic new promotion, but he needs your help to make it a successful one!
The Hunt Is On At Foxy Bingo
Foxy Bingo are looking for those unsung heroines out there, the women that go out of their way to make other’s lives better, regardless of whether this is making you laugh when you are down, making sure there is always food in the house or going out there and doing amazing work for charity, it all counts! If you think you know someone that deserves a little recognition, simply email in your username, the name of the person you are nominating, their age, location and 100 to 200 word explanation of why you think they should be Foxy’s Angel for 2016, but make sure your entry is received no later than Thursday 3rd March.
And The Foxy Bingo Winner Is ….
All of the entries will be evaluated by Foxy Bingo and one lucky winner picked to be this year’s Foxy Angel. They have put together a fantastic prize package for them to enjoy too, and it includes:
- Four tickets to a West End Musical
- Accommodation at a central London hotel for Four people
- A Foxy Angels trophy
- Dinner and drinks for four people at a restaurant
- Travel expenses of up to a maximum of £100
The prizes do not end there, because Foxy Bingo will then go on to pick two runners up too, both of which will be able to console themselves with a relaxing spa day experience.