There is only a week now until the jolly fat man in the red suit will be magicing his way down your chimney with a sack full of goodies. Before then though it’s up to good olde Foxy to put a smile on your face, and he has lined up a whole range of festive promotions for you to enjoy. For a start, you can log in each day, pull a cracker and guarantee yourself a bingo or casino bonus worth up to £100 with no deposit required.
Whilst you are logged in, make sure you check out Foxy’s Bonus Baubles too. Each one is guaranteed to be win a winner, with daily rewards including special gifts, free card giveaways, bingo bonuses, casino bonuses, BOGOFS and extra jackpot opportunities. If you are looking for guaranteed jackpot then you will need to visit the Grotto. Foxy Bingo are giving away a whopping £10,000 each day through special games starting every ten minutes, with prizes of up to £250 up for grabs.
The big money prizes do not end there though, because at 9:30pm on Tuesday 23rd December, they are hosting a Jingle Bell Ball. Cards can be pre-purchased right now for 99p each from the special tab in the lobby, so you don’t even have to be online to win a share of the huge £25,000 prize pot:
- Full House – £12,000
- Two Lines – £4,000
- One Line – £4,000
- 1TG players will an equal share of £3,000
- 2TG players will an equal share of £2,000