We are all aware of the popularity that social networking sites have in today’s society, and with more and more people using these sites, it seems an excellent way to use them to the advantage of bingo sites, to help promote and advertise their very own brand. Relatively new to the world of online bingo, Tidy Bingo has launched their own exclusive promotion – Facebook Snowball.
For the owner of a bingo site, there is no better way to have their brand advertised, than by the good old fashioned way – by word of mouth. And what better way to attract new players, than being recommended by existing players? Tidy Bingo recognises the importance of the word of mouth motto and to show their gratitude to their players they came up with the idea of the Facebook Snowball promotion.
Tidy Bingo boast their own Facebook fan page on which they have a target of ‘likes’ to reach, once these targets have been reached, a status will be posted, players are required to comment on the status. One lucky winner will be picked at random from the players who commented and will win an Amazon voucher that is relevant to the amount of ‘likes’ that has been reached.
As it currently stands the fan page isn’t far from another milestone, so the next giveaway will be when it has reached 300 likes and the prize for this target will be a £75 Amazon voucher. The next milestone after that is 500 likes and the value of the voucher will be increased to £100, after this target, for every 250 likes there will be another £100 voucher up for grabs.
It’s a fantastic way for the site to show their thanks to all their players and even better for the players to be rewarded by spreading the word about their favourite site.