‘Under the sea, under the sea, darling it’s better down where it’s wetter, take it from me!‘ And the welcome promotion from Sea Bingo definitely fits with the song line! Not only are they giving you 99 free tickets for a game of bingo, they will also be giving you an additional £30 funds and a box of Thornton’s chocolates, all of this for just spending £10 or more!
‘Right here on the ocean floor, such wonderful things surround you, what more are you looking for?‘ Chocolate and bingo games that’s what! And the lovely people at Sea Bingo are more than delivering. This brand is still just a small fry in the big bingo ocean, but they are giving you a ‘whale’ of a time (please excuse the pun) with their welcome offer. As soon as you have joined Sea Bingo and spent £10 you will be given a £20 bingo bonus and then an extra £10 that can only be used in the Members Only room.
On the last day of the month in which you register with Sea Bingo, they will be giving you the 99 free bingo tickets. All you need to do is make sure you are online before 9pm to claim them. The 99 free cards are for the jackpot game that will be at 9pm on the last day of the month. For one line the prize is £175, for two lines there is £325 to be won and for a full house the prize is a whopping £1,000! This game will be in the Seabie room, another standalone offering from this brand.
You will also receive your free chocolates after you have spent your first £10 on games, they will choose a box at random from a wide selection and send them to you in the post. You could receive anything from the classics selection right through to the continental Viennese bag. It’s well worth taking a dip in the Sea Bingo ocean we think.