Cars seem to be the order of the day when it comes to bingo promotions of late and the newest comes from free bingo site, Costa Bingo. This impressive site is offering the chance to win a Costa Bingo Ferrari for a weekend and £200 cash as an added extra. This £200 bonus could come in handy for the lucky winner to put towards fuel, after all the likelihood is that they will be driving the length and breadth of the country showing off!
So how do you win this great prize from Costa Bingo, or one of three runners up prizes? Well, it’s all about earning points at Costa Bingo and boasting your tournament standing can be done in one of three ways:
- Spend £10 on the X Factor slot at Costa Bingo – 3 points
- Have the biggest single win per day – 1 point
- Bingo on the special ‘X’ pattern at Costa Bingo – 1 point
The points will be tallied up and the leader board updated every 65 minutes at Costa Bingo so you can see exactly how you are doing and if you could be the winner of the Costa Bingo Ferrari for the weekend for that week. This great Internet bingo site is offering four sets of prizes over four consecutive weeks and this is how the prize structure looks at Costa Bingo:
- 1st prize – Ferrari for the weekend and £200 cash
- 2nd prize – £200 cash
- 3rd prize – £100 cash
- 4th prize – £50 cash
This is the schedule for the four tournaments at Costa Bingo:
Midnight Sunday 8th – Saturday 14th November at 11.59pm
Midnight Sunday 15th – Saturday 21st November at 11.59pm
Midnight Sunday 22nd – Saturday28th November at 11.59pm
Midnight Sunday 29th – Saturday 5th December at 11.59pm