One of the best things about internet bingo, other than winning of course, is the chance to interact with other bingo players in the chat rooms. Many of the internet bingo sites powered by the Cozy Games bingo software don’t allow new players who haven’t deposited yet to participate in chat however Purely Bingo does not impose such restrictions. Add to this the great chat games at Purely Bingo and you have one internet bingo site standing out from many of the others on the same platform.
Whilst many internet bingo sites choose to offer just a handful of bingo chat games at their sites you will find an abundance of bingo chat games at Purely Bingo and here we will look at a couple of examples and how they stand out from others.
Dunk the Chat Host
This has to be one of my favourite chat games at Purely Bingo simply because it offers more than just the usual “chat host post rules, chat host announces winner” type game. In Dunk the CM there is a real connection between the players and the chat host. The idea is that players pick three numbers excluding 1, 2 and 3 (these belong to the chat host); if their three numbers are called before 1, 2 and 3 have been called they need to type “Dunk the CM” in chat to win a bonus, however if 1, 2 and 3 are called first then the CM wins the game.
This is another great chat game at Purely Bingo; players need to pick one number, this becomes their room number and currently all players are stuck on the 21st floor. If a players number is called and the number 21 is out already then type “Hotel” and your room number into chat to win the bonus.
These are just two examples of the chat games at Purely Bingo but a more comprehensive list is available at their internet bingo site under the promotions section.