Some Internet bingo players love to participate in chat at their site of choice and the reasons are plentiful. Chat at any given bingo site helps build friendships but best of all you can win extra bonuses by playing in the games hosted in the chat rooms. The chat games at Beacon Bingo are wide and varied with each offering players the chance to win a little something extra for their bingo bank balance.
What we love about the Beacon Bingo chat games is that unlike at many other bingo sites, the bonuses are not given to the player who has won bingo. When it comes to chat games many players participate to win bonuses because their bingo budget is at its limit but they wish to continue playing at the site in question. Why internet bingo sites choose to award bonuses to players who have already benefitted from a bingo win is beyond us.
These are just a couple of examples of the chat games at Beacon Bingo:
Quote Me Silly
This is a great chat game at Beacon Bingo and will test your movie knowledge. Your bingo chat host will post a line from a movie and the player who guesses the movie name correctly will win the bonus amount on offer from Beacon Bingo.
Guess Who?
As the name would suggest, this chat game from Beacon Bingo requires the participants to guess, from clues given, who the famous person is that the chat host is describing. The player with the first correct answer will be awarded a bingo bonus.
If you are someone who loves to play along and chat with friends in the bingo chat rooms, Beacon Bingo could well be the internet bingo site for you!