Summer is well and truly over with for another year and the countdown to Christmas has already begun. Before you have to worry about buying gifts and stocking up on mountains of food though, there is another expense to get out of the way first – sending the kids back to school! Just getting together the uniform and the sports gear is bad enough, but then there is all of the fancy stationery, books and accessories to be considered. Before you start panicking though, make your way over to Wish Bingo, as they have a brand new promotion that could come in handy.
Back 2 School Blues At Wish Bingo
The Wish Bingo Genie has your back and wants to send the kids back to school with the minimum of fuss. To this end he has lined up three special 75 ball bingo games, all of which are taking place over the bank holiday weekend. Each one comes complete with a full house prize that is packed full of shopping vouchers that are sure to come in handy over the next week. There is a twist though, and that is that you cannot simply purchase cards to join in the fun, you have to earn them instead by completing a series of simple tasks.
Back 2 School Prizes From Wish Bingo
The first game is taking place at 8:30pm on Saturday night, and up for grabs is £150 worth of WH Smiths shopping vouchers. To pick up your six free cards, all you need to do is wager at least £30 on bingo games before it begins. On Sunday night you have the chance to win £250 worth of Sports Direct vouchers, but you will need to wager £100 on instant games to qualify. Wish Bingo are rounding off the Bank Holiday by giving away £350 worth of High Street shopping vouchers that can be used at hundreds of different store. To make sure you don’t miss out though, you will need to make a £50 deposit.