Although not a fan of Big Brother personally and not having watched any of the current CBB series, I’m once again shocked to find that Big Brother Bingo has done absolutely nothing once again with it’s link to the well known reality TV show. Launched in January 2012, just two years ago, and we saw a few promotions on offer from the brand themed around the show and its spin off, Celebrity Big Brother.
However, this only lasted as long as Big Brother 13 when Luke Anderson won half the prize money and Conor McIntyre the other half as part of the White Room twist. From that point on Big Brother Bingo stopped posting on their blog and the prize promotions offering eviction tickets etc. stopped.
Since then we have seen a Celebrity Big Brother Series 11 and 12 come and go with no mention and we are currently nearing the end of the 13th CBB series. We’ve also had a full series of Big Brother, series 14 and in the summer of this year there will be the 15th. Why then has there been no more exclusive promotions from the bingo brand of the same name?
The only link now between the series and the bingo brand appears to be the name and the logo and the latter is now a bit dated. Are we to see the site rise again or will it simply be lost in the online bingo market place over the coming months? We’re hoping the former but have to admit, it’s not looking good.