I know many an online bingo player who has always fancied being a chat room host and many that have actually gone from player to host at their favourite brand but there is a massive difference between the hosts at the Dragonfish or Cashcade brands in comparison to being a host at BingoCams. For the most part a chat host can be sat at his/her PC with bed head in their PJ’s with the house a tip but not if you’re a BingoCams host!
Bingocams chat hosts are on webcam for the whole of their shift and like “normal” hosts, are there to answer questions, keep the room amused and generally be a host. Does it sound like something that would appeal to you? If the answer is ‘Yes’ then read on…
BingoCams are currently running a competition to find a ‘shining star’ host for their rooms and it could be you! All you have to do, if the idea appeals to you, is create a 60 second YouTube clip of you showing off a talent – it could be something like juggling, a little ditty, a song, or just a gag – anything that showcases your personality as best you can in 60 seconds. Send the clip to chathost@bingocams.co.uk by midnight on 18th December and successful entries will be put to the public vote five days later.
The voting for the BingoCams competition closes on 6th January 2012 and all the contestants will have to be available for a training day on 17th January to prepare for the Live Final (sounds a bit like X Factor, we could call this Cam Factor!) on 21st January 2012 where a winner will be found.
The winner of the Cam Factor will win an iPad 2 and have the chance to become a chat host with BingoCams!