Apart from an 80’s Mirror Bingo advert for the newspaper bingo game play we hadn’t seen this internet bingo site advertising on television; that is until recently when a new Mirror Bingo advert appeared in a few commercial breaks. The Mirror Bingo advert was launched at the beginning of April.
Alongside the new campaign came a time limited £20 free, no deposit required, bonus at their internet bingo site.
Have you seen the advert yet? If you haven’t then at the end of this article we have included the YouTube clip of the Mirror Bingo advert. It lacks something, there is no “umph” to the advert and the music used doesn’t make you look up from whatever you are doing to watch it. In fact it would be fair to say that the Mirror Bingo advert music could be compared to lift music. As the advert is playing it is easy to tune out as to what is happening and this is definitely not what an advert for internet bingo should be aspiring to.
Having said all that, with the £20 free offer verbalised by the voiceover, if you are a fan of internet bingo and didn’t know that there was a bingo site called Mirror Bingo this section of the advert might catch your attention.
Like many internet bingo adverts before it the Mirror Bingo advert incorporates what appears to be a “must have” when advertising internet bingo, bingo balls. There is a funny looking contraption churning them out in the advert whilst the voiceover continues to tell you how much fun can be had at Mirror Bingo.