There are many ways in which you can make internet bingo comparisons; you can compare a bingo sites welcome bonus, the games on offer, the free bingo prizes and much more besides but today, after re-visiting a study about online bingo players in Yorkshire, we are going to compare online bingo and sex! The Yorkshire Evening Post compiled a survey a while back which showed that 12% of Yorkshire lasses preferred playing internet bingo than having sex.
So our internet bingo comparisons are going to between the game and sex to see how they compare in a light hearted way.
In many ways the two are similar, think about it, what first attracts you to someone of the opposite sex? It has to be the way they look right? If a man or woman looks scruffy or doesn’t have the facial features that you like then you simply don’t pursue them. The same can be said about internet bingo. Each individuals taste is different so whilst we all are attracted to different features in members of the opposite sex we are all also attracted to different offers when playing internet bingo.
Some people prefer the free bingo offers whilst others prefer a more hefty bingo bonus on their first deposit. In members of the opposite sex, some might be attracted to tall people, others to someone of shorter stature. When making internet bingo comparisons it’s all about an individuals taste.
Internet bingo and sex can be compared in the performance department too. How many times have you logged into an internet bingo site and found that a £10 deposit will last you ages because Lady Luck is on your side and you have a couple of wins only to find that another visit can see that same bingo deposit amount be gone in an instant. Can’t the same be said in the bedroom department?
So whilst a small percentage of Yorkshire lasses may prefer internet bingo to sex you have to wonder what their partners are lacking for this to be the case!