Every month Bingo Nation gives players the chance to help make a difference to the lives of others in its monthly bingo giving charity game, where a percentage of the prize pools are donated to the selected charity of the month. You can help support charity at Bingo Nation simply by buying tickets in the internet bingo games taking place on Monday 14th September between 7pm and 9pm when 50% of the prize pools will be donated to the West End Women’s and Girls Centre.
This is a great way enjoy the usual online bingo fun and excitement whilst also giving some much needed help to different charities thanks to Bingo Nation. The West End Women’s and Girls Centre (WWGC) is a local charity for the women and girls in the West End of Newcastle, which works on various support projects and activities for girls as young as five. They have over 200 girls on their books and they never turn people away, all of whom benefit from projects that cover drama, music and sport and deal with issues of bullying, relationships, healthy living and family issues. In the summer, the group provides day trips as an opportunity to have some fun and give the girls a break from their usual surroundings. You can help this worthy cause by playing internet bingo at Bingo Nation.
Because this is a local charity funding is of even greater significance, without being able to afford funding officers like the larger national charities, the WWGC relies on the support of others.
So far internet bingo players have raised £5,054 for selected charities and they can help provide much needed support to the West End Women’s and Girls Centre by playing in the charity bingo promotion at Bingo Nation on 14th September in Room 2 from 7pm, with 50% of the prize pools going to WWGC. So head on over, buy your bingo tickets and help another worthy cause when enjoying your favourite game.