365 days of a year you will find bingo chat hosts working like Trojans to keep the fun alive in the chat rooms at any given bingo site but sometimes these people go above and beyond the call of duty. This is most certainly true at one internet bingo site as the Game Village Bingo hosts get festive and provide plenty of light relief for the listeners on Bingo Radio!
Some of the bingo chat hosts at Game Village Bingo got together and performed their own rendition of the classic Xmas number one hit “Do They Know it’s Christmas”. On a personal level the team at BallsUp couldn’t stop smiling when we came across the clip and the reason is simple; many internet bingo sites are offering a wide variety of bingo promotions and whilst we all enjoy playing for big prizes, Game Village Bingo have gone over and above for the festive season.
Editing all the recordings together for the clip was the job of Mark, the resident Bingo Radio presenter but the actually singing stars of the Game Village Bingo rendition are the bingo chat hosts from the site.
Bingo chat hosts work tirelessly all year and are an integral part of any internet bingo site, they keep chat flowing and help build a real community amongst regular players. However, to pick up the phone and sing takes guts and we are sure there were no threats made by management or any coercion of the Game Village Bingo team to perform.
Take a listen for yourself and if you are anything like the team here at BallsUp, it will warm your cockles!