With technology coming on leaps and bounds, it’s now easier to access your favourite gaming sites courtesy of the range of mobile devices available. However, Foxy Bingo may have created a BlackBerry faux pas with their latest venture, considering yesterday’s communications proved less than fruitful for the Canadian smartphone brand. Not only did BlackBerry users across the globe experience severe difficulties accessing their messages, they were also having trouble receiving email notifications – giving a whole new meaning to the term ‘miscommunication’.
To have the messaging system go under once is embarrassing enough, but to undergo another mail malfunction in less than 36 hours shortly after promising these errors had been repaired is just laughable. Yet despite this humiliating event affecting both their shares and their reputation, it appears that in the case of BlackBerry there really is no such thing as bad publicity – as renowned internet bingo site Foxy Bingo have turned this technological blunder into a genius marketing strategy, by offering players the chance to win a BlackBerry PlayBook.
Those cunning characters over at Foxy have used this disadvantage to their advantage by realising that with news of BlackBerry systems grounding to a halt is one of the world’s biggest headlines, by releasing a competition offering the keyword of ‘BlackBerry’ within their promotion they would instantly receive an influx of traffic – driving more visitors to their site that would in turn, increase their Google ranking. So more players instantly means more cash – making up the two most important elements needed to keep a successful bingo site running.
Either Foxy Bingo have spotted a brilliant publicity stunt, or missed the headlines regarding BlackBerry’s epic fail. Then again, they might not have just got the ‘BlackBerry’ message.