Over the last few weeks we have seen quite a number of new bingo sites open to players. Jingle Bingo and Majestic Bingo from Dragonfish and Bingo Date, Hippy Bingo and Hunnie Bingo from Cozy. Whilst we have seen these brands make an appearance, there are several other brands now added to the coming soon list of sites.
Here we look at the latest brand names to reach our ears.
Coming Soon – December New Bingo Sites
Katie’s Bingo
This brand is opening soon on the Dragonfish network and is to be powered by the 888 software. Don’t be fooled into thinking that this is going to be just another skin because we have it on good authority that the name behind the brand (although a pseudonym) is quite the bingo expert!
Bingo Enchanted
It could be quite a while until we see this brand, like Aztec and Barking Bingo, Bingo Enchanted is set to open on the Virtue Fusion network. It is owned by 8 Ball Games, but we’re not expecting to see the site anytime soon considering it was October when we first reported on the other two coming soon brands from Playtech.
Snowy Bingo
This is a site we know little about other than it’s another of the seasonal brands that we have been seeing pop up on the Dragonfish network.
Pancake Bingo
We’re expecting to see this brand in January from the Dragonfish network, just in time for Shrove Tuesday in February!
Those are the latest coming soon brands that we know about currently, but in an ever changing marketplace, by the time this article goes live, the list will have likely grown and some of the brands may have launched.
Check back next month for more new bingo sites coming soon to a screen near you!