For anyone in the know about internet bingo there was a little excitement last night as Crown Bingo TV launched on Channel One. Starting at 7.30pm and ending at 8pm there was never really going to be that much interest when competing with The Cube and X Factor, two really popular shows.
In the interest of journalism we Sky + it and watched it after the final X Factor auditions. So was it worth the effort?
Not really if we are honest. Crown Bingo TV seems to be trying to emulate the Foxy Bingo Show and fails miserably in our opinion. The first error in judgement from Crown Bingo was choosing Greg Scott to be the front man for their television debut. For industry bods who attended the awards ceremony at the Online Bingo Summit and watched Greg Scott die on his feet as compare, the choice of “celebrity” to host Crown Bingo TV will surely have caused many a giggle.
The opening scene saw Greg Scott and his sidekick (or is it vice versa) in some shabby basement; dialogue, well it was pretty poor! So poor in fact that we can’t remember really what was said. There was a phone call from the head of Crown Bingo at some point though and then we hit the fast forward button. The next part of the show was “CM Profiles” and we only managed to watch one of the three simply because it was like pulling teeth! There is bad TV and then there is Crown Bingo TV!