If you have come across the St Minver sites that you will probably have heard of the site Cheggers Bingo fronted by none other than Mr Keith Chegwin, star of 80’s shows like Cheggers Plays Pop and Swap Shop and more recently in 2000 the Naked Jungle. This 80’s star was recently interviewed in The Telegraph and after being told of the Cheggers slip up went to read the interview for myself.
The whole interview is available to read online at The Telegraph in their Personal Finance section and in all honesty it took me a while to find where the Cheggers slip up is. The interview begins with Mark Anstead asking about Keith Chegwin’s disappearance from our TV screens and what he has been up to recently. Mr. Chegwin responds with details of his entrepreneurial skills and then mentions his site; Cheggers Bingo. So far everything seems in order.
The next question posed his about his mistakes in investing which covers projects like Cheggers Bedroom and still no sign of the Cheggers slip up. Following on about investment mistakes Mr Anstead says
“You seem very at home with online media – do you bank online?” and there it is, in black and white, the big Cheggers slip up! Mr Chegwin responds by saying that he doesn’t bank online because he doesn’t believe the Internet is very safe!
As if that wasn’t enough he then goes on to say that running the site, Cheggers Bingo, has made him very aware of how many people try to play bingo online with stolen credit cards. Now luckily for players Mr Chegwin isn’t the sort of person you would trust to make sound financial judgements, after all he did appear naked on TV!
I do wonder however how the Cheggers slip up will be received by the network that Cheggers Bingo is on and if there will be any repercussions.