Since the launch of Cheeky Bingo back at the beginning of February this year more and more players have signed up to this internet bingo site in order to enjoy the free bingo games on offer 24 hours a day, seven days a week but whilst we were looking through YouTube today we came across a very unusual Cheeky Bingo fan! This Cheeky Bingo fan is of the four legged, furry variety and seems enthralled by the bingo balls.
Watching the clip of this Cheeky Bingo fan you can see the cheeky chap waiting for the bingo ball to appear on the screen then this little kitten goes into a bit of a frenzy trying to catch the bingo balls on the screen. At one point he even crawls over the screen in order to investigate where exactly those cheeky bingo balls are going!
This is the first time we have seen an animal take such a keen interest in internet bingo but we have to admit when watching the clip of this little Cheeky Bingo fan that he is rather cute! It isn’t blatantly obvious as to which internet bingo site the kitten is so taken with.
Don’t forget that Cheeky Bingo is the ONLY internet bingo site currently available that offers all bingo players the chance to play free bingo for REAL cash prizes all day, every day. If you haven’t yet registered with the site then why not click the banner above? Who knows, you might become as big a Cheeky Bingo fan as the kitten appears to be!