Candy Cabs is a new series on the BBC and the first episode aired on BBC1 at 9pm on Tuesday. The comedy series is about two friends from “up North” who start a business together and features a few stars that you may have heard of. A review of the programme by This Is Leicestershire likened Candy Cabs to an hour long Foxy Bingo advert describing it as “painfully predictable” and having characters “drawn with all the intricacy of a drunken crayon”! What exactly are they saying about the Foxy Bingo adverts?
Does Jeremy Clay, the writer of said review, have any idea how popular the loveable mascot of Foxy Bingo is amongst the bingo playing public? Having not watched the programme I can’t really comment about the comparison that Mr Clay made between Candy Cabs and Foxy Bingo but rest assured I will be watching the next episode to see if I agree!
From what I can see on the BBC website the comparison may have been made based on the fleet of pink bubble cars, after all most internet bingo sites, and most definitely Foxy Bingo, do have very girlie colour schemes but then that’s understandable with the biggest demographic of players being woman! Although not a pink person myself, a lot of woman are!
Did you see Candy Cabs? Can you see where Mr Clay is going with the comparison between the programme and a Foxy Bingo advert? If so, drop us a line and help us out!