As internet bingo players you have probably subscribed to many newsletters in your time on any of the sites available online. Some are part of a network so you may receive more than one copy of the same thing just from a different bingo site name. Today though there was a bingo news shocker from Best Bingo Network that had all of us here rolling our eyes in disgust.
The Best Bingo Network, not to be confused with the Better Bingo Network, is the name behind many of the internet bingo sites powered by Cozy Games. Sites like WOW Bingo, Epic Bingo, House of Bingo to name just a few.
The bingo news shock from this network landed in our inbox on 30th September and immediately we are slapping our foreheads because whilst the email comes from Epic Bingo, the text of the newsletter talks about House of Bingo! But it doesn’t stop there, it simply goes from bad to worse.
Of course the bingo news is included, there are details of all the latest bingo promotions but as you continue to read through the content you come across the news section towards the end and this is where you are just left scratching your head saying “why, oh why, oh why”!
Now, for us, when we play bingo online it’s a relaxing pastime. Whatever possessed the Best Bingo Network to include a piece about a 4 month old baby being murdered? What relevance does this piece of heartbreaking news have to do with internet bingo!
We really think someone in the team at the Best Bingo Network needs to be bought to task over this; news is news, bingo is bingo! The inclusion of this news piece just seems to be gratuitous and oh so wrong!