News filtered through today of yet another new internet bingo site that has launched and this time the name is Bingo Mood. After watching the advert for Bingo Mood you have to ask what came first the theme tune to the advert of the name of this new online bingo site? The advert for Bingo Mood has the theme song I’m in The Mood by the Nolan Sisters but instead of being in the mood for dancing the ladies in the advert are in the mood for……BINGO!
Interestingly enough Bingo Mood is sponsored by STV who already have an online bingo offering by way of STV Bingo; this site is powered by the 888/Globalcom bingo software but Bingo Mood has launched on the JackpotJoy platform. This is something we are seeing more and more in the online bingo industry; we have seen Gala launch Minxy Bingo on a different platform and now STV Bingo have followed suit.
When you watch the advert for Bingo Mood you can’t help but jig along to the music, it’s a classic and this seems to be what has got the females in the advert all worked up. When the clip starts there are a bunch of women at what appears to be a fitness class all looking slightly less than enthused until the music starts and then they all start working out!
The wording of the Nolan Sisters song for the Bingo Mood advert have changed and it goes something like this:-
I’m in the mood for bingo, bingo
I’m in the mood babe so let those balls fall right for me
Bingo, bingo, online tonight babe
So great its back by STV
There are chances to win every second or two
What’s great about that is it could be me or you
What’s slightly frustrating is that the advert claims there is a winner every second at Bingo Mood when in fact there is a winner every second at the network of internet bingo sites powered by JackpotJoy!