If you have read the bingo newsletter for this month you will have seen that one of our bingo forum members has been very lucky; that one lucky bingo forum member and her husband had a couple of big wins last month. The BallsUp charm seems to be still working a treat for this lucky couple. In one Saturday night they have between them scooped £6,000 from guaranteed jackpots; £5,000 from Think Bingo and £1,000 from Foxy Bingo.
I considered all the bingo forum members friends and as an active member of the forum I was lucky enough to get details of the wins and another exclusive interview with the couple; ok so he is a bit shyer than her so it is basically a chat with bingo forum member rotfpmslmao.
You will notice that I call rotfpmslmao Rots throughout the interview, this is her nickname over at the bingo forum she also refers to her husband as Heman and having met Willie in person it is definitely a very apt nickname.
Rots – I hear that your wonderful hubby has been lucky again at Think Bingo tonight – tell me how much he has scooped there in one Saturday night?
Well we have had a few wee wins here and there; we had been playing online bingo since about 7pm. Neither of us were going to play the Big Weekly pot after all lightening doesn’t strike twice. He decided to play and suddenly I hear “Oh my god! I just won the Think Bingo 5k pot”.
Do you both play online bingo at the same time?
Yes we both got our own lap tops and tend to play at the same time I’m a Foxy Bingo; player always have been and probably always will be, but he keeps steering back to Think Bingo or Wink Bingo.
We had cruised round the sites to see who had the best pots going tonight; Saturdays there is not normally much happening on many of the online bingo sites we play at.
It wasn’t just the £5k jackpot that your husband won tonight at Think Bingo either was it?
No on their first ever guaranteed pot that actually played, would be 3 weeks ago now, he scooped the 3k pot at Think Bingo just a few days before we flew out on holiday.
And I hear he also took a £1k pot at Foxy Bingo tonight as well taking one night’s winnings playing online bingo to a grand total of £6k!
Foxy Bingo play a guaranteed pot of 1k at 9pm every evening of the week, we never miss them.
How do you and your husband find other players treat you when you have had a win – either at Foxy Bingo, Wink Bingo or Think Bingo – the three online bingo sites that you favour?
At Foxy Bingo and Wink Bingo they players are absolutely great, the Chat Hosts as well, everyone congratulates you and you leave with the buzz of the room.
On Think Bingo Heman has stopped playing in chat because of the attitude of a very small minority of players. He has suffered accusations for the last 2 days that it is me who has been playing despite management having access to the account details which clearly show the account is in his name.
Tonight he joined the chat room at Think Bingo and the accuser sat in private chat with the chat room host which he assumed was about him and he felt uncomfortable. However being a man he thought “Sod them my money is as good as everyone else’s”.
Heman won that money over an hour ago and on the Think Bingo forum the only there is only one member who has bothered to congratulate him on his win. Usually when there is a big winner at Think Bingo their forum is awash with congratulatory posts.
We have noticed that they only congratulate Progressive or Guaranteed jackpot winners if its one of their cronies.
Do you think that your luck has changed since becoming a member of the bingo forum or have you always had a lucky streak?
I find the bingo forum and the online bingo site reviews gives us the details of all the promos and jackpots on loads of online bingo sites; it saves us trawling through online bingo sites to see their promotions. Now we have a quick look at the bingo reviews to see who has got what each day then decide where we are going to play that day.
You and your husband seem to have lady luck in your pockets; do you have any tips for the BallsUp readers?
Yes; buy your tickets and cross your fingers, the pre-buy options on the sites are great because if you not in it you aren’t going to win it. It’s always worth taking a chance at online bingo; someone has to win and we are living proof that it does happen.
And as a footnote I was able to get a touching quote from the man himself:
Heman (Havei1) says “Lady Luck has finally found us, I spent over a year off work looking after my mother and father who both died within 10 months of each other, we are trying to get ourselves back on our feet and these wins have taken a great weight of our shoulders”
Comment received from reader “CagsyWagsy” on 9th August 2008
It’s always great to read about a fellow Bingo forum member winning big whilst playing online bingo but it disheartens me to read the treatment received by other players at Think Bingo. I used to be a member there and it was always a happy, fun community and I am sadden to see that a winner is treated so abmissally by a handful of players.
I would personally like to congratulate both Rots and Heman on their wins; like every other online bingo player they have paid their money and taken their chances. For them its been a lucky night and they should be awarded heartfelt congratulations and not be made to feel as if they have done something wrong by winning.