As an integral part of any online bingo site the bingo chat rooms are an interesting place; you learn about you fellow bingo players, interact with the bingo chat hosts and generally have a real hoot. In addition to general chit chat you also have the chance to win bingo bonuses by participating in the bingo chat games played at many online bingo sites. However, sit in a bingo chat room for long enough and you will often be privy to what we like to call ‘bingo chat room bleepers’.
Bingo chat room bleepers are often the source of much laughter in a chat room and come about from simply typing mistakes that people make; these can be from a bingo player or even the bingo chat host, after all they are only human.
How often have you been sat at your PC typing a letter or preparing some work and then read back over what you have typed, or used the spell checker, only to find some rather amusing spelling mistakes or ‘typos’? Well in the bingo chat rooms, once you have hit the enter button you cannot take back what you have typed, it’s there in black and white for all and sundry to see!
For the bingo chat host this can often be more than a little embarrassing and often can result in the typing mistake being something they never live down but all in good fun. As many of you will know there is a certain etiquette to be maintained in a bingo chat room and one of the most common is that swearing is not permitted so imagine the horror of a bingo chat host who types the following:
“My sh*t ends in ten minutes” when in fact she meant to say “My shift ends in ten minutes”! or “Player X are you winking at me?” but with the I of winking transposed to an A. These are just a couple of examples of bingo chat room bleepers but as you can imagine they do offer a laugh a minute!
So, when buying your bingo tickets and enjoying a game or two of internet bingo keep and eye out for the bingo chat rooms bleepers, there are some absolute screamers happening in a bingo chat room near you right now!
If you have some classic internet bingo chat room bleepers that you have been responsible for or even seen in a bingo chat room, we would love to read them so drop us a line with details of the bingo site you saw the bleeper at and what it was and we will collate them all together and post for you all to read at a later date.