Whilst many a Bingo Blitz player spends a happy hour or two playing on this free bingo game on the social networking site Facebook, as a player myself I am astounded by the number of people in the chat rooms at the site who moan constantly. I personally love the game and yes, have suffered being ‘frozen’ and opened many an empty Treasure Chest but where else do you find a free bingo game that offers things like the Bingo Blitz Thanksgiving specials? Ok, so you can’t win free cash but I’ve had hours of fun on the game with no cost at all.
At Halloween Bingo Blitz offered a set of special shadow patterns and now, with Thanksgiving just a day away (although a Brit and not celebrating Thanksgiving) Bingo Blitz have come out with another set of specials for their players.
Collecting the Bingo Blitz Thanksgiving specials isn’t that easy; like many of the shadows on the game the turkeys can be a little elusive (I’ve managed to collect two so far) but it’s another example of the team thinking about their players. There are five different things to collect but these are revealed when you collect a Turkey, they are:
- Turkey
- Pilgrims Hat
- The Mayflower (Ship)
- A slice of pie
- A bountiful basked of fruit
You have just seven days remaining to complete the Bingo Blitz Thanksgiving collection.
We’re sure that when Thanksgiving is over there is likely to be a Christmas Bingo Blitz collection to start working on but for now it’s all about the turkeys and whilst chasing them may ‘gobble’ up your credits, instead of having a whinge, see Bingo Blitz for what it is – a great FREE game on Facebook, you don’t have to purchase credits, it’s not a requirement to play the game – that’s your choice and whilst I do really understand the frustration of those who get caught in a freeze, it is a FREE game which has plenty to offer the avid bingo player like myself.
I’d like to prove what an avid Bingo Blitz player I am; I’ve reached Level 80, the max level, I have over 560,000 coins and have completed all collections with the exception of the Bingo Blitz Thanksgiving one.