The latest addition to our new bingo sites section is a site called Bingo Boat, a site that we stumbled upon completely by accident but soon found ourselves dropping our anchor for several games of internet bingo. We say ‘Anchors away’ for Bingo Boat but we don’t mean you won’t want to stick around, far from it.
The bingo software used at Bingo Boat is different from most bingo sites that we know, it’s great to find something that varies from the norm.
In addition to different bingo software to that we are used to, Bingo Boat also offers internet bingo players the chance to take a stroll around the decks, try a game or two and bask in the community feel of the Bingo Boat by offering a £10, no deposit required, welcome bonus.
This new bingo sites rooms aren’t crammed with players are the moment, on average when we were playing at Bingo Boat there were between 16 and 20 players in the two most popular rooms. This makes Bingo Boat a site that will interest internet bingo players who prefer the slightly more personal touch of sites that have smaller communities and less people in the bingo chat rooms.
It isn’t difficult getting used to the Interactive Playnet bingo software and don’t be put off by the front page of Bingo Boat which advertises the free bingo bonus in dollars; when you register your new account you have a choice of three different currencies to play in.
So why not don your Captains hat and ensure you have your sea legs ready for a trip on the Bingo Boat.