So, thats how the name came out now as to how I was became involved and why there is only me left at BallsUp. I was lucky enough to be invited by Kath and Mel to become and administrator of the original BallsUp Forum along with a friend called Jim. All members or ex members of the site previously mentioned.
The original idea was just to provide a bingo forum where people could speak their mind without being censored for having an opinion (obviously certain obscenities werent allowed). As time progressed and we all spent time looking around for a new online bingo site to play at we realised as a team, Kath, Mel, Jim and I that most of the other review sites where either just banner farms or sites that were obviously biased towards particular sites.
At this point we decided, because the original forum was a free one and had numerous links that we had no control over, to look at spending some money to host our own forum. This is where another good friend stepped into the mix – Lee (aka McDogs on the BallsUp Forum). Mel, Kath, Jim nor I knew nothing about web hosting or PHP (the program used on forums) and enlisted the help of Lee. Lee I have known for approximately 10 years and kindly spent many an hour with Mel and I creating the next version of the BallsUp Forum (a very yellow and colourful site!)
Whilst creating the new look forum we suffered the loss (no I don’t mean she died) of Kath – she had always wanted to be a chat host and was offered a position. Unfortunately the site involved felt that being part of BallsUp was a “conflict of interest” and with the time required in setting up the new forum – Kath made the decision to step out.
Mel and I also didnt see too much of Jim in the creation of the new forum, but Jim owns and runs his own business. In the end, Mel and I decided to ask Jim to step down due to time restraints.
This left Mel and I to write the reviews, upload them and maintain the site. If you know anything about forums, there is no rhyme or reason to how posts are shown other than the post with the last reply on will show first.
We had starting compiling reviews by then but there was no order to them – so the next stage was creating a whole new site – and BallsUp Bingo was born.
To be continued…………BallsUp Bingo – The Integrity